You can find The Ryan Club nestled in a cozy storefront in Downtown Albion becoming the next iteration of businesses that have inhabited the space since the building was constructed in the 1890s. We honor the legacy that has come before and offer a fresh take on an old industry.

The Ryan Club offers carefully curated premium cigars in a sophisticated and welcoming space. Our knowledgeable staff works to recommend a new favorite and help you find your classic go-to.

Our Curator: Andrew has a palette for flavors and a deep knowledge of the cigar industry, its history and its resurgence as a craft industry in the recent past. You may find him at the Club enjoying one of his favorites or making recommendations to customers as they stop in.

Club Manager: Caroline has a passion for small business, community and hand-crafted products. Though she admits her husband is the Cigar lover in the family she enjoys soaking up the knowledge Andrew has to share and the spirit of relaxation that comes with smoking a cigar.